Refer to these websites and references for more detailed information on current water use restrictions for Victorville, water conservation and water-efficient landscaping.

Conservation Organizations


Conservation and Landscaping Tips

Kids and Water Conservation

Saving Water Indoors: It All Adds Up!

Becoming Water Aware

Pay attention to how you use water to “ reduce its use” or “ increase its efficiency.”

A byproduct of saving water is the energy that is saved to move and heat water.

How much does water conservation matter, really?

Flushing the toilet accounts for almost 30% of indoor water use. A standard toilet uses about 3.5 gallons per flush. By comparison, a high-efficiency toilet (HET) uses 1.3 gallons per flush or less. Replacing with water-efficient models can reduce water use from 8,000 to 5,000 gallons a month.

Get a dishwasher. Most new models use less water compared to washing dishes by hand. Hand-washing one load of dishes can use 20 gallons of water. An energy-efficient dishwater uses from 4 to 6 gallons of water per load.

If time spent in the shower is less than 10 minutes, using two-gallons of water per minute flow, your shower will use 25 gallons. Compare to the average bath, which requires about 35 to 50 gallons of water.

Consider installing products that will cut back on a faucet’s flow by 30 percent or more. For example:

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), if every home in the United States replaced existing faucets and aerators with water-efficient WaterSense labeled models, we could save nearly $1.2 billion in water and energy costs, including 64 billion gallons of water annually. This is the equivalent to the annual household water needs of more than 680,000 American homes! It all adds up!

Water Savings

In the Bathroom

In the Kitchen

In the Laundry Room

At approximately 15 gallons per load, a high-efficiency, front-loading washer uses less than half of the 35-40 gallons required to wash a load of clothes in a standard top-loading washer. Over the course of a year, a front-load machine could save over 10,000 gallons of water!

The EPA suggests that to save even more water— consider a clothes washer with a low water factor. The water factor is the number of gallons per cycle per cubic foot that a clothes washer uses. If a washer uses 18 gallons per cycle and has a tub volume of 3.0 cubic feet, then the water factor is 6.0. The lower the water factor, the more efficient the washer.

Become a Leak Detective

Look at your water usage during December or January, when little or no water is being used outdoors. If a family of four exceeds 16 hundred cubic feet, (HCF) or 12,000 gallons per month, substantial leaks are the likely culprits. Read all the numbers on your water meter. Don’t use any water indoors or out for two hours. If the meter changes at all, after reading it again or observing the leak detector or sweep hand moving, suspect leaks.

An average American home can lose more than 10,000 gallons of water to leaks every year. Fixing household water leaks can save homeowners up to 10 percent on their water bills. Determine whether you're wasting water, and then identify the source of the leak. Water can leak from dripping faucets, showerheads, and worn toilet flappers.

Simple water-saving steps: